Pets and Smoking
Members are allowed two cats, two dogs or one cat and one dog per unit. They may also have contained pets: fish, birds, gerbils, hamsters, hedgehogs or guinea pigs. Animals or breeds defined as dangerous by municipal or regional bylaw are not allowed in the co-op. All pets must be registered with the co-op and members must provide proof of spaying or neutering (unless a reasonable exemption occurs). All dogs must be licensed, all cats must be kept indoors, all dogs and cats must be kept on leashes when outside on co-op property and dogs are not permitted in the playground area at any time. Members are responsible for any damage caused by their pet.
Twin Oaks co-op is non-smoking; members and their guests are not allowed to smoke anywhere on co-op property.
Vaping is prohibited in common areas, yards, balconies and patios, within 7 meters of a door or window and 25 meters of the playground area.